To Boldly Go...

That's right. This is the new teaser poster for Star Trek XI. As the poster suggests, the movie will take place during the time of the original 1960's Star Trek and will most likely center around a young Kirk and Spock. This could be a really good idea or an absolutely terrible one. J. J. Abrams will produce the movie, co-write the script, and possibly direct it. For those of you who don't know the name, J. J. Abrams is the creator of Alias and Lost, both of which are really great TV shows (Lost being the most popular show on TV right now). He also recently wrote and directed Mission Impossible III, which was a very good movie despite Tom Cruise being a wacko. With a track record like that it's easy to see why Paramount was quick to hand over their oldest and most lucrative franchise to him. He's also said that he's a huge fan of TOS and TNG (that's The Original Series and The Next Generation for all you non-geeks) and that he will be very respectful of the Trek "cannon." So, this movie will either be a huge success, reinventing the franchise and ensuring that Star Trek continues strong for years to come, or it will be a huge bomb and could seal the fate of Star Trek forever. Needless to say, I'm hoping for the former.
Apparently the "blogosphere" really is growing, because Star Trek XI has its own blog. Click here to check it out. I've also added it under my "News & Favorites" links. Also, if you'd like to make the above poster your desktop or AIM buddy icon (because I know you all do), click here.
2008 may be a little far away right now, but I can't wait. This has been a long time comming.
I picked up the teaser poster at Comic-Con. ^_^
Yeah, Dave's post pretty much sums up my thoughts. They couldn't have handed it over to someone better, in terms of being the most likely candidate to do an amazing job with the movie...but then again, there's always the curse to consider...
Anonymous, at July 23, 2006 8:57 PM
Sadly I think Nemesis already broke the odd/even rule (if that's the curse you were referring to). In any case, I've decided not to view this movie as being number eleven, but rather the new number one. It's a clean slate, no more Berman or Braga. This may already be obvious given the fact that I'm a perpetual optimist and a die-hard Trekkie, but I have very high hopes for this movie.
David, at July 23, 2006 11:42 PM
Hi guys
I am the blogger at 'Star Trek XI: The Blog'...I am glad to see you too are looking forward to AbramsTrek
I have some more updates from ComicCon and plan on posting even more semi-breaking news this week regarding Trek XI
Tony P, at July 24, 2006 12:00 AM
Thanks for the comment. I'm pretty much going to be checking your blog every day, haha! I can't wait for some of the first "official" news regarding the plot, characters, etc. It's going to be a very looong 2 years, haha.
David, at July 25, 2006 1:31 AM
You naturally hit the nail on the head with my hinting, although you are right on that note.
I was at the panel when Rodenberry Jr. spilled the beans. I had no idea the family had no say in the Trek movies, although I suppose that had started to become painfully obvious.
In any case, it's certainly good to have some Trek on the horizon once again.
Anonymous, at July 26, 2006 1:32 AM
Sadface, Dave Nilsen. Big sadface. I guess you're allowed to be a Trekkie, just as you're allowed to subscribe to young earth creationism. ;)
Anyways, lets talk about things again sometime. That was fun.
honeyhair, at August 09, 2006 9:02 AM
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