I'm not dead...
...I'm just buried.
In case anyone still stops by here to see if I've updated, I wanted to assure you that I'm really not dead. I'm simply buried in schoolwork, combined with In-N-Out work work and making sure to spend plenty of time with my beloved (and I suppose I should occasionally sleep). All that being said, when I do have a spare moment to post I typically use that moment to write something for Coram Deo, one of the fastest growing theological blogs on the net!* Donald Roth and Dave Martina are both posting with me on Coram Deo now, so it should be far more interesting and insightful (and hopefully updated more frequently, haha). So, I probably won't have much time to update here, but that's actually ok. Since my routine never really changes (school, wife, school, wife, work, wife, school, wife, repeat) the only interesting updates on my life that I could ever share would be what I'm learning and reflecting on in school. Incidentally, that's the kind of post that I'll typically end up putting on Coram Deo, so you faithful readers of the Captain's BLog can still keep up with my life in at least one way. As soon as 2008 draws closer and there are more exciting updates on the upcoming Star Trek movie, I'm sure I'll blog about that a little here. Until then, rest assured I'm still breathing! If I stop posting on Coram Deo as well, then there might be a problem. :P
* I just made that up.
In case anyone still stops by here to see if I've updated, I wanted to assure you that I'm really not dead. I'm simply buried in schoolwork, combined with In-N-Out work work and making sure to spend plenty of time with my beloved (and I suppose I should occasionally sleep). All that being said, when I do have a spare moment to post I typically use that moment to write something for Coram Deo, one of the fastest growing theological blogs on the net!* Donald Roth and Dave Martina are both posting with me on Coram Deo now, so it should be far more interesting and insightful (and hopefully updated more frequently, haha). So, I probably won't have much time to update here, but that's actually ok. Since my routine never really changes (school, wife, school, wife, work, wife, school, wife, repeat) the only interesting updates on my life that I could ever share would be what I'm learning and reflecting on in school. Incidentally, that's the kind of post that I'll typically end up putting on Coram Deo, so you faithful readers of the Captain's BLog can still keep up with my life in at least one way. As soon as 2008 draws closer and there are more exciting updates on the upcoming Star Trek movie, I'm sure I'll blog about that a little here. Until then, rest assured I'm still breathing! If I stop posting on Coram Deo as well, then there might be a problem. :P
* I just made that up.
Hi Stranger,
I do check here frequently to see whats going on in your life. That was what you said this blog would be doing right? I noticed that family was missing from you list of routine life, hope that was just an oversight??
I do check out Coram Deo too, but thought we'd hear more personal goings on and happenings here. Let us hear what is going on in your life (then I can let other people know who ask, and I can't tell them) :(
And maybe a little sooner than 2008, ok?
Janis, at February 27, 2007 4:21 PM
Listen to your mother, David!
david, at March 03, 2007 1:26 PM
露出, at October 17, 2010 12:50 AM
グリー, at November 12, 2010 10:21 PM
家出, at December 21, 2010 11:47 PM
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