Captain's BLog

August 29, 2006

Starting a New Chapter

Well now, It's been a while since I've updated. It's been one of those "more has happened in the last week than happened the whole summer" kind of weeks.

First off, Steve's wedding. It was awesome, but very surreal. I can't believe Steve Hoekstra is a married man. The day he starts having kids I might just faint. And yet somehow this sense of shock and awe in no way reflects my feelings about my own wedding. Perhaps that's still too far away yet (or I'm just me). It was a fun weekend and, though it strained my bank account quite a bit, it made for a great last hurrah before all the guys had to part ways once more. Dustin and I decided to power it all the way home on Sunday, approximately a 19 hour drive, after enjoying only 3 hours of not so blissful sleep the night before. It was fun though, and it was nice to get home quicker and have all day monday to do...nothing.

Then there's school. After two years at Palomar (which I actually appreciate more now because it was a much cheaper way of fulfilling all my GE and I got my AA in Liberal Arts [hopefully the first of many degrees], so at least I have something to show for my time there) I am back at a 4-year college. My class load is all Bible and Philosophy courses with a LOT of reading, so I'm really excited. The more I read and talk about new and interesting things in class the more I'll have to blog about (on my new blog which will soon be unveiled!). More importantly though, I'm already seeing a huge difference in the quality and character of the teachers and students here as compared to Palomar. Not only do I know that everyone, or at least nearly everyone here is a Christian, but most of them seem a lot more passionate about their Christianity than a lot of other Christians I've met. And not just in the "let's roll around on the floor and sing a crappy praise song!" sort of way, but in a much more serious and intellectual way. It's pretty amazing actually, and I'm very thankful to be in an atmosphere where I can focus more on growing as a Christian in a very real way and not be distracted by all sorts of outside influences. A small guys group will be meeting in my room every Sunday night (comprised of Dustin and myself as well as a couple other really solid guys) where we'll discuss topics of interest regarding the church as well as personal issues and then pray about them. There's also a very passionate Calvinist contingency on campus (albiet certainly a minority), two of whom will be in our guys group, so that's releaving.

My 21st birthday party was a last-minute success. Dustin's parents, Donald's parents and sister, Josh's parents, my Mom, Steph and her parents all joined me at Acapulco for an enjoyable evening. I had a margarita to celebrate, and now my drinking days are primarily over (I won't rule out the occasional drink with friends, but I hate most forms of alcohol, I don't really understand the desire to drink it in the first place [especially when they're so much more expensive than a regular drink], and I can't drink on or off campus while I'm enrolled at Biola anyway). The Roths gave me an assortment of superman related goodies, including a ridiculously big pair of Clark Kent glasses, which I wear proudly. Thanks guys! And thanks so much to all of you for the thoughtful cards and much needed money you gave me. You're the best friends' parents ever! :P And thanks to my dear mommy for putting it all together for me and buying me alcohol! I love you.

Now I must read 15 chapters in Genesis and get to sleep at a reasoble hour (after a quick snack, of course).

August 09, 2006

My Blog: 2.0!

Well, it's another new day for my blog. I've decided that this blog will now serve two purposes: First, to update my family and friends on all my commings and goings this year at Biola. Second, to countdown to the premiere of Star Trek XI in 2008. I think my new title represents this duel purpose very well.

If you're wondering whether or not I've totally given up on writing about philosophy, theology and politics, worry not! In the next few weeks I'm going to be starting up a new blog which will be in a completely "public" voice (in other words, I'll sound very self-important) and will be the home of all of my future "official" writings.

I also feel the need to point out that I'm currently updating this blog on my new Apple iBook while listening to some tunes on my new iPod Nano. Yes, I visited the Biola Apple store yesterday and took advantage of their amazing student discounts. I'm now even more self-important than I was before, beacause I've become a "mac" person. :P By the way, our blogs look a lot cooler on a mac than on a PC. But doesn't everything? :D

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