Captain's BLog

November 22, 2006

Bond...James Bond

So, Casino Royale ended up being a lot like Superman Returns in that it was a very new take on a classic that leaves you feeling unsure about it at first...but after further reflection you realize how awesome it really was. I love the new Bond (Daniel Craig does a great job), I love the way the movie shows the evolution of the character into the Bond we all know and love. There was a little more romance than usual and less casual promiscuity, which was actually refreshing. To make up for it, this Bond is a lot more...shall we say, rough around the edges...which translates into some brutal kills and a fairly graphic torture scene. Bond literally stangles two guys to death with his bear hands. The movie uses that to explore the soul-destroying nature of Bond's job, which was also a nice touch of realism. And the end...the last 5 seconds...were awesome. :P In case you can't figure out what my opinion of this movie is yet, it was very very very good...go see it!

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