Captain's BLog

August 09, 2007

This Blog Has Moved To Coram Deo

Please click on the link below to read my latest philosophical musings on Christianity and culture:

February 26, 2007

I'm not dead...

...I'm just buried.

In case anyone still stops by here to see if I've updated, I wanted to assure you that I'm really not dead. I'm simply buried in schoolwork, combined with In-N-Out work work and making sure to spend plenty of time with my beloved (and I suppose I should occasionally sleep). All that being said, when I do have a spare moment to post I typically use that moment to write something for Coram Deo, one of the fastest growing theological blogs on the net!* Donald Roth and Dave Martina are both posting with me on Coram Deo now, so it should be far more interesting and insightful (and hopefully updated more frequently, haha). So, I probably won't have much time to update here, but that's actually ok. Since my routine never really changes (school, wife, school, wife, work, wife, school, wife, repeat) the only interesting updates on my life that I could ever share would be what I'm learning and reflecting on in school. Incidentally, that's the kind of post that I'll typically end up putting on Coram Deo, so you faithful readers of the Captain's BLog can still keep up with my life in at least one way. As soon as 2008 draws closer and there are more exciting updates on the upcoming Star Trek movie, I'm sure I'll blog about that a little here. Until then, rest assured I'm still breathing! If I stop posting on Coram Deo as well, then there might be a problem. :P

* I just made that up.

November 22, 2006

Bond...James Bond

So, Casino Royale ended up being a lot like Superman Returns in that it was a very new take on a classic that leaves you feeling unsure about it at first...but after further reflection you realize how awesome it really was. I love the new Bond (Daniel Craig does a great job), I love the way the movie shows the evolution of the character into the Bond we all know and love. There was a little more romance than usual and less casual promiscuity, which was actually refreshing. To make up for it, this Bond is a lot more...shall we say, rough around the edges...which translates into some brutal kills and a fairly graphic torture scene. Bond literally stangles two guys to death with his bear hands. The movie uses that to explore the soul-destroying nature of Bond's job, which was also a nice touch of realism. And the end...the last 5 seconds...were awesome. :P In case you can't figure out what my opinion of this movie is yet, it was very very very good...go see it!

October 28, 2006

GBC 2006

This year's GodBlog Conference has been absolutely amazing. I've mostly been shuttling the speakers around from their hotel to the school and back. I'm officially assigned to Joe Carter, who's pretty much my favorite blogger. He also works for the Family Research Council and runs Evangelical Outpost (click on his name above), his blog that gets thousands of hits per week, so that's just a little bit cool. We call him "The Man." If you look at his picture on the GBC website, he looks like he's about to kick your face in. I've started inserting "Joe Carter" in place of "Chuck Norris" in all those awesome Chuck Norris jokes. Oh, and he's Reformed, haha.

So, Crossway puts out the ESV Bible. They called us up and said "want some free stuff?" Of course we said yes, expecting to get a bunch of those compact TruTone ESV bibles like they sent for last year's conference. This is what we got! An English-Greek Reverse Interlinear New Testament. If you follow the link it will explain what all that means. Basically it's the New Testament written out in English (ESV, of course) with the Greek written in right underneath the English words, giving the lay person access to the original meaning of a text in Greek (it's called "reverse" interlinear because normal interliner New Testaments are written in Greek, with the English underneath). They JUST went on sale last week. They're selling for $50 a pop...they sent us 75...for free. Tomorrow I'm going to give them a huge thankyou on the GBC blog, link to them like crazy, and hope they do it again next year! I'm so excited. The book even comes with Strong's Greek dictionary on CD-ROM, so I can actually start to learn some of this stuff. This was a very generous thing of them to do, especially since they weren't even at the conference this year. I'm just stoked I got one. At $50 I probably wouldn't have been able to buy it myself.

Tomorrow's the last day of the conference and then I have to do all the homework I've had to put off for GBC. I'm not going to get much in the way of actual sleep for the next few days. :P

October 15, 2006

Theology Quiz Thingy

You scored as Reformed Evangelical. You are a Reformed Evangelical. You take the Bible very seriously because it is God's Word. You most likely hold to TULIP and are sceptical about the possibilities of universal atonement or resistible grace. The most important thing the Church can do is make sure people hear how they can go to heaven when they die.

Reformed Evangelical


Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan






Neo orthodox


Roman Catholic


Classical Liberal




Modern Liberal


What's your theological worldview?
created with

October 11, 2006

Coram Deo

I've finally started up my new blog. I've got two posts so far, and I probably won't update it very often (at least not for a while, school is really heavy), but feel free to check it out all the same. As promised, it deals strctly with theology, philosophy and politics. I call it Coram Deo.

September 24, 2006

One Night With the King

This movie looks pretty awesome. It's an indi film, but it has a lot of big names and the production quality tooks amazing (not to mention that John Rhys-Davies [aka Gimli from LOTR] is playing Mordecai, which is pretty amazing). It opens October 13th, I'd reccommend seeing it if it's playing in a theatre near you. Check out the website to get more info and find a theatre.

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